Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Playing fetch with my workout buddy!

I've always thought that having a workout buddy would be the coolest thing in the world. Helping each other stay motivated, holding each other accountable for workouts, and companionship. What more could you ask for? The idea of having this buddy would sometimes make me feel bad though. What would I say to a workout buddy? I'm not much of a talker. What if my workout buddy didn't enjoy the same types of workouts as myself?  Not to mention coordinating times, rushing around trying to be punctual, and my ever so coveted after workout quiet time. I guess my ideal buddy would have and exude the following qualities:

1. quiet personality (someone who doesn't talk)
2. endurance
3. doesn't interrupt the workout
4. unconditional love and support for me

Wow, kind of sounds like I should be working out with the Terminator! While I haven't really been searching for a workout buddy (just liked the idea of one), I've managed to find the best workout buddies in the world! And they've been right at my feet the whole time! Sure, they require a lot from me. I have to feed them, love them, and pick up their poop…but in the end I totally get to reap the benefits of these amazing creatures! 

My dogs are the greatest workout buddies in the world. Seriously. Have you worked out with your dog lately? If your dogs are like mine, they'll keep you on your toes and force you to keep moving! I've been taking Roc C on runs for the past couple of days. I figure, she needs to run further than the confides of the back yard (this has been proven about 5 times now by her scaling the 7 foot fence just to run around the neighborhood and come home), and I need to decompress from my day. What a great combination! Roc C keeps me on track, whenever I feel myself slowing down, she forces me to keep going. Don't get me wrong, she doesn't pull me…I have complete control over our walks, but she does have endurance that I could only dream of having.

Then there's Oliver. While I was working out in the backyard, Oliver would run up and look at me with the cutest Oliver face, then run off. He never once interrupted my sets, and never once got in my face or started attacking my head while I was close to the ground. After completing my workout, I played a little chase and fetch with him. It was a nice cool down to my workout and also gave me a chance to work on my quick feet and juking skills. I even pulled a couple of transition jukes on him (which was cool, because he would almost block me with his hips!) Oliver likes to hide whenever we play fetch (for some reason). He goes behind tree trunks (which are a lot thinner than he is) and thinks I can't see him. I just play along. It's the cutest thing ever. 

After running and working out with the dogs, we all come inside and the dogs just crash! I love how worn out they get, and they love how much time we get to spend together. It's nice to end a workout with quiet reflection. Plus, not only am I getting a workout, my dogs are getting to stay active and healthy! 

Do you have a workout buddy? What's your favorite thing about your buddy? 

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